Sunday, January 26, 2020

Analysis Of Reagans National Association Of Evangelicals Speech Politics Essay

Analysis Of Reagans National Association Of Evangelicals Speech Politics Essay In President Reagans remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, he uses the association with the Convention, appeals to a common ethical background and relevant historical examples to persuade the Convention to be involved in politics and to persuade the American public that the conflict against the communism is a matter of good versus evil in an attempt to solicit more support in the increase in hostilities against the Soviet Union and the push against secularism dominating moral decisions in America. Just a few years into his first term, President Reagan was not a man to shrink from challenge or controversy. Well entrenched in his belief that man was good and that good would eventually defeat evil, he used this speech to hammer home the ideas that he held into his audience, and also give warning to his enemies. Perhaps the most important rhetorical strategy of President Reagans speech was its setting. In choosing to deliver this speech before the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, the President was able to affect many details that added credibility and weight to his speech in one fell swoop. Already known for his strong conviction in God, the fact that he would speak before this group was not shocking, nor was it shocking that he would take a stance against some more liberal policies being pushed in political circles at the time. It was this sense of comfort and security that worked on President Reagans behalf twofold. By allowing both opponents and allies alike to believe that this was simply any other speech, President Reagan is able to free himself from concerns about how the speech will be received and helps set up for the bait and switch later on. Once the tone, general Republican rhetoric, and style of the speech was established, it had become apparent that President Reagan was planning to use the speech as a political pulpit to combat certain liberal agendas that he was not in favor of, such as abortion without parental notification or the starving of disabled infants. Both of these examples carried with them extreme moral weight with the crowd and President Reagan made sure to place himself on the side of the audience, that is the belief that all life needs its right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . . protected. By using this assumption of his goal along with the audience mirroring his ethical code, President Reagan set up a bait-and-switch, in that his solidified brotherhood with the audience used this agreement of goals and morals to make a more significant statement. This more significant statement flows from the same lines of reason and logic that was previously identified and accepted, but is a statem ent that the audience would generally be uncomfortable making. By putting the reasoning first, President Reagan checkmates the audience into agreement, thus a bait and switch. The bait-and-switch itself was rather simple. In the initial portion of the speech, President Reagan appealed to the ethical nature of the audience by giving examples of current events and using the audiences common ethical background to create common ground with that audience. He also seeks to calm the audience by informing them that they are not the minority as the media of the time made them feel. 95 percent of those surveyed expressed a belief in God, President Reagan assured, and a huge majority believed the Ten Commandments had real meaning in their lives. This information was perfectly aimed at his audience of Christian Evangelicals. He went on to say that most studies found most Americans disapproved of adultery, teenage sex, pornography, abortion, and hard drugs. By using these facts, President Reagan was able to convey a measure of strength and confidence to the audience, and an important strategy of this speech emerges. By allowing the audience to feelcomfortable in accept ing President Reagans assertions, and once the audience was made to feel emboldened and powerful by acts of support through the country,President Reagan could make assertions based off of this camaraderie with the audience. Having bolstered his credibility and logical base, P. Reagan then applied all of this to his final point, the labeling of the Soviet Union as the Evil Empire that must be fought. While President Reagan had previously described the Soviet Union with other disparaging remarks, such as declaring that the Soviet Union would soon be on the ash heap of history, this statement declared an entire sovereign nation to be not just belligerent or stubborn, but whole heartedly evil, drawing parallels to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. Such an accusation speaks volume to President Reagans characterization of the conflict between the Western World and the Soviet Bloc. In addition to simply escalating his previous rhetoric, this statement makes it clear that President Reagan saw the conflict as not just an intellectual battle between competing economic and political systems, but a moral battle between good and evil. . In an excellent use of debate technique, before declaring the Soviet Union evil President Reagan made sure to shield his argument from outside criticism that the United States itself had some aspects of evil in it by acknowledging that the nation, too, has a legacy of evil with which it must deal. The glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past. For example, the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights, once a source of disunity and civil war is now a point of pride for all Americans. . . There is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country. By looking inwardly first, President Reagan disallowed his opponents from using these exact previous transgressions against his argument. Once President Reagan has made this declarative statement and due to the skill used by President Reagan in setting up the bait and switchup to this point in his speech, the conclusion that the Soviet Union is evil was actually a foregone one; President Reagan named and analyzed other examples of evil, all of which were being committed or existing in the Soviet Union at the time. He draws these examples from the founding fathers of America and in doing so both adds credibility to the speech as well as add emotional support to the cause. Calling on William Penn, President Reagan stated, If we will not be governed by God, we must be governed by tyrants, and followed with Jefferson, The God that gave us life gave us liberty at the same time. In theme with the founding fathers, President Reagan then finishes us his litany of quotes with perhaps the most venerated founding father George Washington, who said, Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion an d morality are indispensable supports. Using these quotes as well as the ethical and moral foundation he laid earlier in his speech, President Reagan explains to the audience the exact reasons why the Soviet Union is in fact evil. Marxist-Leninists, President Reagan points out, believe that the only morality allowed in the Soviet Union is one that furthers the cause of world revolution. In paraphrasing Lenin, President Reagan let the audience know that the Soviet Government officially believes the any morality based on supernatural ideas should be rejected and that morality of any sort was subordinate to class warfare, the goal of the Soviet Revolution. Using these pointed examples, President Reagan asserts that morality and religion are seen by the Soviet Union as tools of the oppressors, and that in order to have a new beginning, both must be destroyed. Thus, President Reagan concludes, the Soviet Union will eventually seek the destruction of the very religion and morals the audience holds at the center of their existen ce. Having already convinced the audience that it is in fact Americas belief in morality and religion that had allowed America to be as successful as it had been, and the assumed fact that religion and morality are central cores to the audiences life, President Reagan completed his bait-and-switch. By refocusing the energies and drive of the audience from the earlier domestic agendas to the foreign realm, President Reagan was able to elicit a solid base of support as well as a convincing argument,for combatting the Soviet Union on a platform not based on economic disagreements, but moral imperatives on par with the eternal struggle of good and evil. By being able to label America and her allies as good, and the Soviet Union and its protectorates as evil, President Reagan had established his reasoning for dealing with the Soviet Union, and at the same time acted very effectually to convince his audience, the Convention as well and America as a whole, that they needed to become involved in domestic and foreign policies as a matter of morality; the struggle of good versus evil.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Expressing Yourself

Expressing Yourself Many people have opinions on what they see others wear. They feel that if everyone looks the same that there will be less problems. I believe they are wrong. Have you ever went to a school where they were about to give you a dress code? What was your opinion on the subject? If school officials like principals and vice principals decide they want to enforce a uniform rule they are not helping anything. They will be taking away students creativity and their ability to express themselves.When people wear what they want they feel confident and comfortable in their own skin. If official change the way we dress it would make for a very boring school. There are so many personalities in a school and they all make the school a fun place to be where others can express themselves without being judged. This will help with a self- esteem problem. Many kids have a self- esteem issue. If people think that wearing a uniform will help them love themselves more they are wrong. I be lieve it will only make them look down on themselves.Think about it, if they are out of shape and they see someone in better shape than them and there wearing the same thing their going to think they are ugly Clayton 2 and worthless. Even if people choose how students would dress it wouldn’t help all the other reasons why kids get bullied now-a-days. Everyone should feel beautiful and wearing clothes that you want helps you feel better about yourself. Clothes can also be therapeutic. Sometimes being a misfit is what brings joy to someone. They don’t want to be the same as everyone else.In the constitution it states that we have the right to be free. Free to dress however we would like. If they make us where uniforms it would be taking away one of our rights. I also believe that students parents don’t have all the money in the world to be spending on their child’s clothes. Uniforms are not clothes that students could wear on and everyday basis. Adding unif orms to a schools dress code would allow parents to spend way more money than what they usually would. They would have to pay for their child’s school clothes plus their regular clothes.I believe school uniforms should not be allowed in schools. I believe wearing uniforms is just all around a bad idea. They don’t allow students to express themselves and their personalities, they don’t help with bullying in the school system, and they take away student rights. I think that if schools really want to have uniforms they should pay for every single students uniform in the school. Students take pride in what they wear and by having to wear a uniform you would just be lowering their self- esteem.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Language and Communication Essay

Communication has no specific description but main essence of it revolves around conveyance, exchanging, giving or sharing of ideas & information. Communication can be both verbal and nonverbal. Communication takes place all around us in school, colleges, homes, markets and most importantly businesses. Businesses use communication in Public Relations (PR) to maintain image of company toward public, organizations, and programs and to gather employees, customers, investors or even general public. For effective communication, message should be clearly conveyed and interpreted by both parties. Our communication, perception and interaction can greatly be effected by noise, which is a barrier in communication. Literal meaning of noise is not what is meant here. Noise can be anything that effect communication in one way or another. 3. Some people are better at communication for several of reasons. They convey their message easily because they are extremely good listeners and to be a good communicator first key is effective listening. They are patient listeners and try to read between the lines of the communication. This makes their grip on the subject matter very sound. This in turns helps them to communicate effectively. Along with effective listening, they have good presentation skills and have ability to make sure that each word is understood by the audience. They have clear vision of the message to be conveyed and are well prepared for it. Simplicity in conveyance also makes them better communicators. All of this comes down to effective listening for effective communication. 4. Yes, I somewhat agree to this. The advancement in IT and other technological advancements in internet usage have proved beneficial for companies to advertise on internet. This trend is increasing rapidly and with the creation of facebook, skype, twitter, other social networking sites and many other web platforms has made companies go for internet advertising more. People of almost all age groups have now easy access and availability of internet. So this mode of communication is becoming more important for organizations and will continue in future. But nevertheless, newspaper has always been more accessible and easy to carry source of information. Newspaper will lose some of its significance but this mode of advertising can not be ignored by organizations.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sample Argumentative and Persuasive Writing Prompts

Any of the 40 statements or positions below may be either defended or attacked in an argumentative essay or speech. Selecting a Position In choosing something to write about, keep in mind Kurt Vonneguts advice:  Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. But be sure to rely on your head as well as your heart: select a topic that you know something about, either from your own experience or  from that of others. Your instructor should let you know whether formal research is encouraged or even required for this assignment. Because many of these issues are complex and wide-ranging, you should be prepared to narrow your  topic  and focus your approach. Selecting a position is only the first step, and you must learn to prepare and develop your position persuasively. At the end of the following list, youll find links to a number of argumentative paragraphs and essays. 40 Topic Suggestions: Argument and Persuasion Dieting makes people fat.Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage.The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights.High school graduates should take a year off before entering college.All citizens should be required by law to vote.All forms of government-funded welfare should be abolished.Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.Americans should have more holidays and longer vacations.Participating in team sports helps to develop good character.The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal.People have become overly dependent on technology.Censorship is sometimes justified.Privacy is not the most important right.Drunk drivers should be imprisoned for the first offense.The lost art of letter-writing deserves to be revived.Government and military personnel should have the right to strike.Most study-abroad programs should be renamed party abroad: they are a waste of time and moneyThe continuing decline of CD sales along wit h the rapid growth of music downloads signals a new era of innovation in popular music.College students should have complete freedom to choose their own courses.The solution to the impending crisis in Social Security is the immediate elimination of this government program.The primary mission of colleges and universities should be preparing students for the workforce.Financial incentives should be offered to high school students who perform well on standardized tests.All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language.College students in the U.S. should be offered financial incentives to graduate in three years rather than four.College athletes should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food.Students should not be required to take physical education courses.To conserve fuel and save lives, the 55 miles-per-hour national speed limit should be restored.All citizens under the age of 21 should be required to pass a driving education course before receiving a license to drive.Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college.Freshmen should not be required to purchase a meal plan from the college.Zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down.University students should not be penalized for illegally downloading music, movies, or other protected content.Government financial aid for students should be based solely on merit.Nontraditional students should be exempted from regular class-attendance policies.At the end of each term, student evaluations of faculty should be posted online.A student organization should be formed to rescue and care for the feral cats on campus.People who contribute to Social Security should have the right to choose how their money is invested.Professional baseball players convicted of using performance-enhancing drugs should not be co nsidered for induction into the Hall of Fame.Any citizen who does not have a criminal record should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon.