Saturday, May 23, 2020

Alcoholism Is A Strong Predictor Of Job Loss Amongst Men

The current study seeks to answer a common question about alcoholism and unemployment; specifically, what is the causal factor. Researchers examined whether or not alcoholism caused an individual to lose their job, or if their job caused the individual to drink. Results of the study indicate that alcoholism was a strong predictor of job loss amongst men. The frequency and amount of alcohol consumed were crucial elements during this course of research. The greater the alcohol consumption, the more likely an individual would be unemployed. Amongst men, once they stopped binge drinking, they were able to maintain employment. To expand upon the phenomenon of alcohol consumption amongst college students from the study conducted by Champion, Lewis and Myers, the current study sought to expand upon the in-group phenomenon of excessive alcohol consumption. Specifically, experimenters sought to identify the perceived positive societal gains from social drinking. Results of the study indicated that males who consumed alcohol at a similar rate of their peers were considered the most popular. Alternatively, those who consumed greater amongst of alcohol than their peers were social ostracized. This study indicates that individuals who are willing to conform to group standards in regards to alcohol consumption are more likely to be excepted than individuals below or above the norm. The present study conducted by Champion, Lewis and Myers highlights the trend of alcohol abuseShow MoreRelatedThesis, Term Paper, Essay, Research Paper21993 Words   |  88 Pages Teenage pregnancy is prevalent in societies characterised by poverty, low education, fewer job opportunities and families headed by mothers who gave birth to their first children in adolescence (Dryfoos, 1996; Macleod, 1999). Teenage pregnancy is also associated with other problematic behaviour such as alcohol and drug use, and early initiation of sexual activity, which have been identified as predictors of pregnancy (Coley Chase-Lansdale, 1998; National Population Unit, 2000). Plant Plant (1992)Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages278 Observer’s Feedback Form 278 5 GAINING POWER AND INFLUENCE 279 280 SKILL ASSESSMENT 280 Diagnostic Surveys for Gaining Power and Influence Gaining Power and Influence 280 Using Influence Strategies 281 SKILL LEARNING 283 Building a Strong Power Base and Using Influence Wisely 283 A Balanced View of Power 283 Lack of Power 283 Abuse of Power 285 Strategies for Gaining Organizational Power 286 The Necessity of Power and Empowerment 286 Sources of Personal Power 288 Sources of PositionalRead MoreStatement of Purpose23848 Words   |  96 Pagesresponded, approximately half valued the essays as much as other parts of the application package. ï‚ · Determine the importance of the mentor system. The importance of the statement of purpose increases, as Robert M. Brown notes, at institutions with strong mentoring programs ―because it is the only place where an applicant can elaborate a research interest to the extent that faculty members can judge how well that interest dovetails with their ownâ€â€" (245). Identify graduate programs that specialize inRead MoreConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words   |  253 Pagesa   study   sponsored   by   the   US   Departments   of   Labor   and   Health   and   Human   Services   (2001),   relentless   competition   is   one  of   the   major   causes   of   the   escalating   rates   of   depression   and   addiction   among   professionals.      Alcoholism   is   three   times   higher   for   professionals   than   it   is   for   the   general   population.      In   fact,   the   opposing   motives   of   cooperation   and   competition   are   among   the   areas   that   have   the   greatest   potential   for   serious   conflict

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